Sunday, June 22, 2014

Private/Providence Health Insurance: A Big Lemon!

Providence Health Insurance: A Big Lemon!

Private health insurance coverage for treating the mentally ill really stinks when you need it most. You'd think that with the Affordable Care Act, better coverage and more comprehensive health services would be available for the mentally ill. Well, think again!

We've just hit the two week mark with Chloe in residential treatment for her mental illness and were informed Friday that Providence Health Plans would only cover her through this weekend. Monday, they will begin denying claims. Geez, if I do the math right, I think Providence's "out-of-pocket" was less than ours!

As we understand it from the treatment facility, this is very common with private insurers. And we wonder why there are so many "crazies" out there going postal. Sorry if I seem a little bitter.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Lemons Anyone?

Sometimes Life Hands You Lemons . . .

You know how it goes, "Sometimes life hands you lemons . . ." What do you do? Well, try hard to make lemonade. In our household, we're still squeezing those darn lemons!

13 years ago, we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Bright, big blue eyes, happy, alert, responsive. Everything expectant parents desire. Never did we expect our wonderful baby girl would lead us in the journey of our lives. I don't have to tell those of you living with a mentally ill child, have a mentally ill loved one in your life, or suffer from one yourself that there seems like a whole lot of days filled with lemons; rotten ones to be frank. But you also know that droplets of lemonade touch your life from time-to-time when you realize that you're more compassionate of others, you have a different perspective than many, you appreciate the little things, and there ishope that your child or loved one will lead a mostly happy and healthy life.

I hope in this blog you will find nuggets of information and resources that you can use and share those that you have. So much of this journey we have done blindly and often with little support from our educational and healthcare system. Share your stories of triumph, frustration and enlightenment so others can learn and share as well. Knowledge is power and I believe the more we tell our stories and information, the stronger and more empowered we become.

Let's make lemonade together!